0800 8222


The Bank issues all types of usual guarantees, as well as Letters of Intent, in the shortest periods of time at favourable fees.

If you require:
  • Letter of Intent
  • Performance Guarantee
  • Maintenance Guarantee
  • Customs Guarantee
  • Advance Payment Guarantee
  • Payment Guarantee
Feel free to contact us.
A Letter of guarantee is used as insurance for payments or for the completion of contractual liabilities.
Letter of guarantee is issued at the demand of the client of the Bank (account party) in favour of a beneficiary. By issuing a Letter of guarantee the Bank takes over the execution of the guaranteed obligation (in case that the obligation has not previously been fulfilled).
Most common types of Letters of guarantee:
  • Payment guarantee: payment of the guaranteed amount in the stated deadline
  • Performance guarantee: payment of a guaranteed amount in case that the assumed liability is not performed
Guarantees from foreign countries

Received Letters of guarantee from foreign countries are forwarded to the beneficiary by the Bank. After verification and acceptance of all conditions, the Letter of guarantee becomes valid.
The fee for guarantees is paid according to the Decision on fees for services provided by J&T banka d.d. in business with business entities and individuals. An excerpt from the Decision is available to you here:  http://www.jtbanka.hr/business/business-account/179.