0800 8222

Business Account


Services offered to the owners of transaction business accounts in our Bank:
  • performing payment operations
  • payment transactions through Internet
All transaction business accounts are multicurrency accounts (HRK and foreign currencies)
Resident account

Types of transaction accounts:

  • account for regular business
  • account for performing money transactions of accounts exempt from foreclosure
  • account for special purposes

Procedure when opening a multicurrency transaction business account:

A)  Fill out the Bank’s forms​:
  • Transaction account opening form (two copies)
  • Contract on the opening and maintenance of the transaction business account (two copies)
  • Signature list for persons authorized for disposing of funds on the account (three copies)
  • Questionnaire for clients - legal entities
  • Questionnaire for politically exposed persons
  • Statement on the real owners of the legal entity
  • Annex 1 to the Statement on the real owners of the legal entity (where appropriate)
  • Annex 2 to the Statement on the real owners of the legal entity (where appropriate)
  • FATCA document (where necessary)
  • Information in accordance with the Genaral Data Protection Regulation
B)  Deliver the forms prescribed by the law (status documentation):
  1. a) Decision on the inscription in the Court registry, Registry of craftsmen, i.e. the registry of authorized body (if the inscription in a registry is prescribed) or
    b) Extract from the law (if the legal entity is founded based on the law)
    c) Decision on opening of bankruptcy proceeding
  2. Extract from the law showing that the funds on the account are exempt from the foreclosure (if such account is requested)
  3. Information on the classification of the company according to the National Classification of Activities (by the National Bureau of Statistics) containing information on OIB – Croatian personal ID number issued by the Croatian Ministry of Finance – Tax Office 
  4. Power of Attorney, if appropriate
  5. Extract from the Registry of real owners
  6. Copy of your Act of foundation – if you are a new client
C)  Attach copies of Identity documents for:
     - legal representatives and persons authorized to open transaction business account
     - persons authorized to dispose of funds (with information on OIB, Croatian personal identification number)
     - real owners - if non-residents with a document that contains tax number

Pursuant to the Act on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, status documentation must not be older than three months. 

In the process of opening a transactional business account, the Bank has the right to request additional documents and data from the client.

If you want to use Internet banking services, information and access documentation are available here: http://www.jtbanka.hr/business/internet-banking-2943/2943.

Fees for transaction business account operations are to be paid in accordance with the valid Decision on Fees Charged for Payment Transaction Services with Corporate and Retail Clients and you can find it on the bottom of this page. 


Non-resident account
Types of non-resident accounts:
  • Account for a foreign legal entity (non-resident)
  • Account for a subsidiary of a foreign legal entity (non-resident) in Croatia

Procedure when opening a non-resident multicurrency transaction business account:

A) Fill out the Bank's forms:
  • Transaction account opening form (two copies)
  • Contract on the opening and maintenance of the transaction business account (two copies)
  • Signature list for persons authorized for disposing of funds on the account (three copies)
  • Questionnaire  for clients - legal entities
  • Questionnaire for politically exposed persons
  • Statement on the real owners of the legal entity
  • Annex 1 to the Statement on the real owners of the legal entity (when necessary)
  • Annex 2 to the Statement on the real owners of the legal entity (when necessary)
  • Data on persons requesting to open a non-resident account
  • FATCA document (when necessary)
  • Information in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation
B) Deliver the forms prescribed by the law:
  1. Decision on the inscription in the Court registry, i.e. the registry of the proper body in the country where the legal entity is registered. The Decision should be presented in original and translated to Croatian or English, certified by a court interpreter and not be older than 3 months. Instead of the original, a copy of the Decision verified by the Notary public is acceptable. On the verification the Notary public should state the date of the insight into the original document.
  2. If in the Decision the classification of the business activity code is not stated, applicant for the account opening is obliged to state it in a separate letter.
  3. Financial report for the last financial year in the country of registration or the country of operation, certified by the auditors or received by the competent state institution, or document on paid taxes translated in Croatian or English
  4. Resolution of the proper agency in Croatia on registration of the subsidiary, if an account for a subsidiary is being opened
  5. OIB – Croatian personal ID number issued by the Croatian Ministry of Finance – Tax Office for the legal entity and all authorized persons
  6. Founding Act (a notarized copy)

C) Attach notarized copies of Identity documents for: 

     - legal representatives and persons authorized to open transaction account
     - persons authorized to dispose of funds (with information on OIB, Croatian personal identification number)
     - real owners - if non-residents with a document that contains tax number

Pursuant to the Act on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, status documentation must not be older than three months. 

In the process of opening a transactional business account, the Bank has the right to request additional documents and data from the client.

If you want to use Internet banking services, information and access documentation are available here: http://www.jtbanka.hr/business/internet-banking-2943/2943.
Fees for transaction business account operations are to be paid in accordance with the valid Decision on Fees Charged for Payment Transaction Services with Corporate and Retail Clients and you can find it on the bottom of this page.
Account Documentation
FATCA documents
Other documents