0800 8222
  • About the Bank
  • Deposits
  • Accounts
A clear vision, knowledge and experience are a guarantee of mutual success
Valuable international experience and knowledge combined with superior banking products and services that are tailored to the requirements of each individual customer are the most important references for our Bank, a Bank with a clear vision of joining the top ten banks in the Republic of Croatia within the next five years.
About the Bank
A place where savings are worth more
Different options are available for the deposit of domestic and foreign currency assets, the terms and interest rates of which can be adjusted with a personal touch for each of our clients, and this personal approach is the reason for the long-standing confidence of our savers.
Because we know that you cannot put a price on trust
To ensure that our products meet our clients' expectations so that we can offer them what they have every right to expect, we have created numerous opportunities for owners of current and / or giro accounts in our Bank.
  • About the Bank
    • A clear vision, knowledge and experience are a guarantee of mutual success
    • Valuable international experience and knowledge combined with superior banking products and services that are tailored to the requirements of each individual customer are the most important references for our Bank, a Bank with a clear vision of joining the top ten banks in the Republic of Croatia within the next five years.
    • Read more
  • Deposits
    • A place where savings are worth more
    • Different options are available for the deposit of domestic and foreign currency assets, the terms and interest rates of which can be adjusted with a personal touch for each of our clients, and this personal approach is the reason for the long-standing confidence of our savers.
    • Read more
  • Accounts
    • Because we know that you cannot put a price on trust
    • To ensure that our products meet our clients' expectations so that we can offer them what they have every right to expect, we have created numerous opportunities for owners of current and / or giro accounts in our Bank.
    • Read more
Median Daily Exchange Rate 29.03.2025. Full exchange rate list
Median Daily Exchange Rate 01.02.2022. Full exchange rate list
  • 100% owner of J&T banka d.d., J&T BANKA, a.s. received an international investment rating from Moody's
    On 23 January 2023. Moody's agency has officially assigned J&T BANKA, a.s. (sole shareholder of J&T banka d.d.) an investment rating of Baa2 with a stable outlook. With this step, J&T banka, a.s. has placed itself alongside several elite companies that have an investment rating in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Among other things, Moody's appreciates the established position of the J&T banka, a.s. in the field of corporate financing, as well as a diversified and stable deposit base.
    Moody's detailed rating:

    The international rating agency Moody's assigned a long-term deposit rating of Baa2 with a stable outlook and a short-term deposit rating of Prime-2. This is a rating assessment at the prestigious, so-called investment level. According to Moody's definition, long-term obligations with a Baa rating represent a "moderate credit risk". Short-term obligations rated Prime-2 reflect the "high repayment capacity" of these obligations.
  • J&T Banka Underwrites Record Number of Bond Issues in 2018
    J&T Banka Underwrites Record Number of Bond Issues in 2018

    According to its audited consolidated results, J&T BANKA, one of the most prominent private banks in the Czech Republic, closed its books last year with a balance sheet total of CZK 150.10 billion (an increase of almost 5%). Net earnings for the period concerned amounted to CZK 2.08 billion.

    Bond issues and note programmes contributed most to the attained earnings. In 2018, the bank placed on the market 24 issues with a nominal value totalling CZK 40 billion, with the actual underwritten volume amounting to CZK 37.2 billion. The bank thereby confirmed its position as the biggest arranger of corporate bonds in the Czech and Slovak Republics, which fact was also reflected in the increase in fee income. Net earnings from fees and commissions grew year-on-year by 40% and exceeded CZK 1.59 billion.

    In addition to bond financing, lending also grew. At the end of 2018, the volume of loans provided amounted to CZK 71.59 billion, which is a year-on-year increase of 3.5%. Net interest income then grew by 0.08 billon to CZK 3.81 billion.
    The increase in interest rates in the last year was reflected in the increase in client deposits. Client deposits amounted to CZK 119 billion at the end of year, which is a year-on-year increase of 29.8%. The bank continues to hold a stable deposit base, with a high proportion of term deposits with a maturity of a year or more.

    The overall growth of client assets in investment products in 2018 can also be considered successful. Compared to last year, overall investments during 2018 grew by 15.5% to CZK 145.07 billion. The total volume of common funds managed by J&T INVESTIČNÍ SPOLEČNOST grew by 12% in 2018 to CZK 27.63 billion.
    Equity at the end of 2018 amounted to CZK 19.23 billion. Sufficient capital endowment will allow the bank to continue to grow and develop in the years ahead. Capital adequacy reached 15.31% at the end of the year.
  • Notice of implementation of the MasterCard SecureCode Service
    J&T banka d.d. (hereinafter called the Bank) is introducing a new service in their offer from 21 January 2019, the MasterCard Secure Code. The service is based on the 3D Secure standard. The MasterCard SecureCode service enables all existing users of the Bank's Maestro debit cards (hereinafter: Maestro cards) to make more secure purchases and payments over the Internet. The service is completely free of charge for all Maestro card users and is activated in a fast, simple, and secure way, and the service can be used on all Internet websites supporting the MasterCard SecureCode payment system.
    Using the service is quick and simple, and the activation procedure of the MasterCard Secure service, as well as the purchasing procedure, are described in more detail in the User Guide to the J&T banka d.d. MasterCard SecureCode service.
    In order to use this service, it is required to register a valid mobile phone number into the Bank's system, and in case the user has not previously registered their mobile phone number at the Bank or the mobile phone number has changed, they are required to update it at one of the Bank's branch offices or via Internet banking.
    For any additional questions, please feel free to contact us at our toll-free number 0800 8222, via our e-mail 0800@jtbanka.hr, or in person at your nearest branch office of the Bank.
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
    Dear clients,

    In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) J&T banka d.d. has adopted a Rulebook on protection of personal data, which sets out the purpose and objectives of collecting, processing and management of personal data and establishes a frame for personal data protection in line with the General Data Protection Regulation.

    Also, J&T banka d.d. provides to you the information on bank’s identity and contact details, purposes of processing and legal basis for data processing, and other Information in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation.